Friday, April 24, 2009

zodiac coloring pages

No matter what you have done, or have failed to do, you are always loved in the eyes of spirit. It is fun to read and to think about the what ifs in life.

Astrology is just a language, the Akashic language, the language of the sky, of the heavens. Reading your daily horoscope is a way to begin to see that your life has cycles. A sidereal zodiac uses the sun and star alignments as a guideline and is used mostly in India.

We all know that humans have been predicting the future for many centuries and some have deemed to be successful. Venus and Mars go well together; they represent the two necessary halves of the same relationship coin. Also known as the Red planet, it governs the whole spectrum of the powerful masculine elements which are useful in sex and war.

All of us thrill to the prospect of learning more about ours. Astrology readings are not just about predicting the future.

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